
1. Opening One Commander for the first time

One Commander is a dual-pane file manager, meaning that it can simultaneously display either one or two independent file browsers within the same window. The browsers can be viewed either in the Standard Layout, with a navigation pane at the top and a detailed view of the current folder at the bottom, or in a more compact Columns Layout.

The first time you open One Commander:

  1. You'll be asked if you want to import Favorites from One Commander Version 2 (the Microsoft Store version).
  2. You'll be given the choice of which layout you'd prefer, as well as which theme:

You can change these selections later whenever you wish.
You can switch between the two layouts using the "Layout" button or at bottom left of the Main Window, or make one browser collapse to give a single-browser view by dragging the divider separating the browsers.

When you first launch One Commander in the Standard Layout the Folder Columns are hidden. Click here for more.

Closing One Commander

Clicking on the (WindowClose) button at the top right of the Main Window doesn't shut One Commander down; it just closes the window so that you can re-open it quickly when you need it, for example by pressing Win+Alt+O. You can shut it down by clicking Ctrl+WindowClose. Click here for details.

Starting One Commander using the Command Line

This is explained here.